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The Friends of Czech Heritage: keeping you informed about our activities

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Lecture by our Chairman, London, in March 2018


THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF ANCIENT BUILDINGS Our Chairman Peter Jamieson is giving a talk in the 2018 Spring Lecture Series: 'Conservation in a Far-away Country: Responding to a Turbulent Past' , date changed to Tuesday 27th March due to severe weather. The SPAB website explains: "Founded in 2007, the Friends of Czech Heritage brings togethe...

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  1877 Hits

Progress at the Château of Čečovice


Miroslava Šusová of the Association of Protectors of Monuments has sent us news of the improvements at the château in western Bohemia, which had suffered serious neglect for many years until she, her son and local volunteers made huge efforts to bring it back to life. The Friends of Czech Heritage gave a grant in 2015 and since then larger funding ...

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  2022 Hits

Country Life Magazine: a two-part article on the Castle of Český Krumlov


The issue dated 29th November carried part one of an article about the famous castle in South Bohemia, most recently owned by the princely Schwarzenberg Family and now in the care of the Czech National Heritage Institute. John Goodall, the magazine's architectural editor filled six pages with his treatment of the main castle structure. In the 6th D...

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  2168 Hits

Friends' Lecture: Baroque Castle Theatres in the Czech Lands

DSpicka SmallcVictoria Reilly Spickova

LECTURE ON 30TH JANUARY 2018 As our first event in the newly refurbished Czech Embassy, Daniel Spička, an architect by training who has been much involved in restoration work in the Czech Republic, gave a very well illustrated talk on the six restored Baroque-style castle theatres that have survived out of the 41 built between 1700 and 1850. After ...

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  2166 Hits

UK National Trust advertises The Friends' Working Holidays for 2018

NT Mauricovna2017cAmberCloughton

November 2017 - The Friends were pleased to see the Mauricovna at Červený Dvůr as the image on the opening web page of the UK National Trust's Overseas Working Holidays for 2018. Photograph by Amber Cloughton, participant in 2016. In the coming year The Friends are organising three working holidays: -Žďár nad Sázavou, the site of the UNESCO pilgrim...

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  2561 Hits

An Award for one of our Founders

AwardPicIK Oct2017 Goyck IK

CZECH AWARD FOR ONE OF OUR FOUNDERS The 'patrimonium pro futuro' award has been given annually since 2013 by the NPÚ, the Czech National Heritage Institute, to highlight the most significant achievements in heritage care, and to thank those who made them possible through their time, effort, investment and financial contribution. There are four...

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  2321 Hits

Lecture in London by Christine Sitwell

The Friends were entertained on Thursday evening 26th October at the Embassy of Slovakia by Christine Sitwell, who gave a very interesting talk about the the relationship between the National Trust and the National Heritage Institute of the Czech Republic. Since the Velvet Revolution the two organisations have exchanged delegations, which has helpe...

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  2037 Hits

Working Holiday at Krásný Dvůr 2017

KD Group2017 cMSvoboda

The Friends of Czech Heritage again led volunteering to restore the park at the Château of Krásný Dvůr in North Bohemia. This is the second year the Friends have organised a week-long working party in this historic park, finishing on Friday 15th September. This year the group worked on uncovering the water supply to the Chinese pavilion, ...

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  2076 Hits

Czech Award to one of our earliest lecturers

Herman Marsden Secka cIK

Ten years ago, after The Friends of Czech Heritage had just been founded, we held our first lecture, given by Jonathan Marsden, currently Surveyor of the Queen's Works of Art and Director of the Royal Collection. He worked in the North Wales region of the National Trust and was instrumental in arranging the two-way cooperation of conservators from ...

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  2224 Hits

Coverage of Ian Kennaway's Award on the ProPamátky website


A report in August 2017 on the website of ProPamátky about the award to one of our founders   "At the end of July 2017 Ian Kennaway received an award for his significant and lifelong support of the Czech cultural heritage. The prize was presented in person by the Minister of Culture Daniel Herman in the Nostic Palace. In the early 1990s Ian Ke...

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  2508 Hits