We have successfully completed a number of restoration projects and have others in development.
We are now keen to expand our organisation and its activities and would welcome offers of voluntary help and support from anyone with an enthusiasm for or an expertise in Czech culture, history, arts and architecture.
We need help with researching and identifying potential funding sources, devising and running fundraising projects, establishing and widening professional and community networks and contacts in the Czech Republic and around the world.
We appreciate local knowledge when looking for new and suitable restoration projects and endeavour to generate good publicity for any business - large or small - willing to get involved.
We are appealing to all, including students who need work experience. We need your special skills, creative ideas, time and enthusiasm to help us in our quest to contribute to the restoration of our common European heritage. If you are interested please email:
Join Our Working Holidays
The Friends have held many working holidays since 2011 in heritage locations in Bohemia and Moravia.
Participants live and work on site, and visit cultural attractions nearby.
For details of future events click here, or please contact: