Our Current Work
Château of Poběžovice
Once the home of the Coudenhove-Kalergi family it has a very important connection to the Pan-European movement, being the home of Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, who was instrumental in helping to found the European Union. The château has recently been declared a Czech National Monument. The Friends' grant has supported the restoration of the main entrance door.
Château of Vizovice
Our working party took down a part of the boundary wall to the park and commenced its reconstruction. We were joined by local Czech volunteers who were interested in the use of lime mortar, used in the reconstruction.
Image © NPÚ
Červený Dvůr park entrance lodges
One of the lodges was ruinous and the other had been demolished. Our working parties excavated the original foundations and partially rebuilt the walls, which were then completed and re-roofed by a contractor. The rendering was then carried out by our volunteers and by the hospital’s own craftsmen.
Image © FoCH
Liechtenstein Brewery, Rataje nad Sázavou
The brewery was converted into a community centre, which is now defunct, leaving the town is without any facilities. The proposal is to repurpose the building and revive it as a community building. A volunteer working party could help to initiate the project in advance of grant-funded building work.
The Church of St Cajetan, Prague
The church has within it a staircase designed by the Baroque architect Jan Santini-Aichel. This once served the monastery behind the church and is an important example of his work. The church plans to restore the staircase, which is in poor condition: The Friends' grant will help initiate the fundraising.
Image © FoCH
Château Stekník
The château is situated in the hop-growing area surrounding Žatec, recently designated a World Heritage Site. The fountain in the lower garden no longer functions and the statue is in poor condition and must be replaced. The Friends' grant will replace the statue and help to initiate the restoration of the lower gardens.
St Bonifác, Kutná Hora
The restoration of the 14th-century chapel has needed extensive dehumidifying work prior to further conservation work. The restoration of the Gothic chapel requires the floors to be removed and replaced to allow the moisture to be released before the damaged plaster on the walls is replaced. We have offered a grant towards this work.
Villa Benies, Lysá nad Labem
The residence was built by architect Emil Králíček for the owners of a sugar factory. The current owner, a car-import company has been steadily restoring the villa. The Friends have been following the progress of the work for a number of years. A grant has been offered towards the replacement of the coloured glass in the atrium lantern.
Image from: https://www.czechnationaltrust.org/en/projects/villa-benies/
Former Low-Beer textile factory, Brněnec
The restoration and repurposing of the textile factory previously owned by the Low-Beer family and now in the care of a trust headed by Daniel Low-Beer, a descendent of the original owners. The factory is to become a centre for study, reconciliation and creativity. The centre is due to open in May 2025. The Friends have supported the project with a number of very successful working parties.
Image © PJ FoCH
Church of the Virgin Mary, Teplice nad Metují
The hermitage attached to the modest Baroque Church of the Virgin Mary is in part of log construction. The roof has been replaced due to dry rot and our working parties have since 2019 been rebuilding and rendering the walls, which were taken down in part.
The Friends have formed a link with the Department of Architecture at the University of Venice, and their students have been joining the working parties in order to gain hands-on experience, which is not possible in Italy.
Image © Martin Steibelt
Château Nemilkov
The villa is being restored by a private owner who acquired it in 2016 and has been carrying out much of the building work. It is open to the public and numerous events have been organised.
The Friends have offered a grant towards the restoration of the ‘chapel’ which occupies a space in the ballroom.
Image copyright unknown, taken from https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q33253345
Château Petipsy
The château was in a ruinous state without a roof and is steadily being rebuilt with the aid of public grants. The Friends have small financial resources and have offered to have a working party take on the restoration of an identifiable part of the château, possibly one of the range of agricultural buildings.
Image copyright unknown.
Our Working Holidays at Červený Dvůr
We held two one-week working holidays at Červený Dvůr in South Bohemia in 2023. The team has mainly been engaged in painting the exterior and interior of the Mauricovna, which has been one of our projects for several years.
The appearance of the Mauricovna has been transformed with a coat of yellow paint. While we were working an elderly lady visiting from Germany told us that she had been born in the Mauricovna before the Second World War! She confirmed that the colour was correct.
The historic estate in South Bohemia was once the summer residence of the Schwarzenberg family and is now a sanatorium. This project is dear to the hearts of many of our members and supporters and we have provided labour and funding for it over several years.
Image copyright D. Chick
Žďár nad Sázavou: Abbey Chuch, Zelená Hora and Lower Cemetery
The Friends have had a long association with the church and the pilgrimage chapel (a World Heritage Site). We have given numerous grants and since 2016 have held volunteer working parties at both sites.
In 2024 our working party worked on the Lower Cemetery, designed by Jan Santini-Aichel, where we carried out preliminary work to allow the replacement of wooden shingles on the walls. In the abbey church we took up sections of the floor tiles prior work to eliminate rising damp.
The Blue Room in the Château of Kacov
The château was confiscated by the Czech state in 1918 following the First World War and was used for administrative purposes. Much of the original wall decoration was lost under layers of plaster and paint, which had subsequently been added from time to time. The new owner is restoring the château and its wall paintings, which are being carefully revealed and cover large areas of the main reception rooms. Once fully restored these rooms will be transformed and opened to the public.
The Friends of Czech Heritage gave a grant to help with the conservation of the Blue Room, one of the first to be undertaken.
Image © P. Jamieson
Previous Projects
The Organ in the Abbey Church, Žďár nad Sázavou
The organ at the Abbey Church at Žďár nad Sázavou was built by the renowned organ builder Jan David Sieber and is a dramatic feature within the altar transept set on arches designed by the Czech architect Jan Blažej Santini-Aichel in 1706.
A long conservation project of the organ, which commenced in 2018 has now been completed and the members of a Friends of Czech Heritage summer working party were privileged to be present in the organ loft when one of the abbey’s organist pulled out the stops and played for the first time. It was a memorable occasion and we are glad to have been able to support the project.
Image © Abbey of Žďár nad Sázavou
Pacov Synagogue
The synagogue at Pacov in the Vysočina Region is an almost unique survivor and is being restored by a local community group. It has now had its roof replaced with help from The Friends and further restoration can take place when funds are available.
Image © Jitka Erbenová (cheva), from Creative Commons
The Mortuary at Starý Kolín in Central Bohemia
The Marnice or Mortuary at Starý Kolín in Central Bohemia dates from the early eighteenth century. The church was rebuilt in the Baroque style possibly by the renowned architect Kilián Ignaz Dientzenhofer. The Mortuary is an important part of the setting of the church but has been derelict and roofless for many years.
A local action group has started to restore it as a small museum. The first task has been to secure the walls to prevent further deterioration while funds are raised to replace the roof. This work has recently been completed with the aid of a grant from The Friends
Images courtesy of Starokolínský okrašlovací spolek
The Jan Zrzavý Museum
We offered a grant to the museum at Okrouhlice: the building was a school where father of the famous artist Jan Zrzavý taught and has continued as a school until recently.
Arnold Villa
The Arnold Villa in Brno was once the home of the Low-Beer family and is being restored after lying empty for many years. It has important historic connections with the branch of the family that built the famous Tugendhat Villa on an adjacent plot. We gave a grant in 2017 to help start the clearance of the surrounding grounds and now the City of Brno has acquired a substantial grant for its restoration for community use.
Image © Martin Strachoň, from Creative Commons
Krásný Les
This Baroque manor house from 17th/18th century lies close to Petrovice. During the last war, the house was used as a jail for French prisoners of war and later as a working camp for Jewish people. The owners plan to open it to the public with ‘several exhibitions’ in the future. These would cover the history of the village and of the manor house, including the Jewish working camp. The interiors would be designed in style of 16th century and later periods up to the beginning of the 20th century. The Friends gave a grant towards the restoration work. The owners have the support of the local municipality for what they are doing.
Image © Ian Kennaway
Château of Uherčice
The Friends made a contribution towards the repair of a handsome Empire-style console table and matching mirror, originally acquired for the château, which show the vogue for the Egyptian style that became fashionable in the early 19th century after Napoleon’s campaigns in the Nile. Monopodia in the form of mythical birds form the supports to the table as on much ancient Egyptian furniture, whilst goddesses with Egyptian headdresses flank the mirror. The classical relief on the upper part of the mirror is probably inspired by Greek vase painting. Both pieces would have been the height of fashionable taste in the early 1800s. The grant is intended to encourage the restoration of other interior furnishings at the château.
Image © Zdeněk Holý
The Kynžvart Codex is a very important illuminated manuscript dating from the 13th century and only two copies exist in the Czech Republic, see above, original condition on the left, and following conservation on the right. It was acquired by the famous Imperial Austrian diplomat Klemens von Metternich for his library at the Château of Kynžvart in western Bohemia.
The Codex had deteriorated badly, as in the detail, right, and with the help a grant from The Friends of Czech Heritage it has been restored to its former magnificence. We hope that by this example other important works in the library will gradually be restored.
Images courtesy of the NPÚ
The Botschen Chapel at Libouchec in North Bohemia
The chapel is a fine example of a Jugendstil building with its joyous free-style design. It was erected by the Botschen family in 1911 but was later abandoned and became ruinous. It has recently been rescued by a local group, which has put in many hours of volunteer labour. However until the roof was repaired the building continued to deteriorate. This has now been achieved with help from The Friends so its future is secure. The restoration of this important Secessionist building as part of a community park and nature trail
The Mill at Staré Dobrkovice
The mill near Český Krumlov forms part of a charming group of buildings that has survived complete but needs attention. The owners has been steadily repairing the buildings and wishes to establish a workshop in one of the barns to run craft training courses. Our grant allowed the roof of the historic barn to be repaired
Skanzen Chanovice
Some building types get much more exposure when it comes to saving a nation’s heritage whilst others receive scant attention. Rural agricultural buildings especially belong to this group. They are often very rare because they are undervalued and many were destroyed in the days of rural collectivisation. The Skanzen, an open-air museum, seeks to remedy this by collecting and re-siting these humble buildings in much the same way as the Weald and Downland Museum in Sussex. It can be argued that moving a historic building destroys its credibility but in this case the move has to be balanced against the likelihood of total loss. We gave a grant for repairing one of the barns
St. James's Church, Bedřichův Světec
In the rural unsung areas of the Czech Republic small groups are trying to reclaim their local heritage. As with the manor at Čečovice and St. Nicholas's Church at Petrovice, the local action group is restoring the church for community use. Although much of the work has been done by volunteers, the rebuilding of a critical section of the churchyard wall had to be carried out professionally. We made an offer of a grant to enable this work to be completed
Probošt House, Vyšehrad, Prague
Close to the Church of Saints Peter and Paul and the National Cemetery, the Probošt House, now occupied by a kindergarten, has within it some fine early-18th-century frescoes. These are ‘listed’ and have been conserved. The windows, replaced in the 1980s, were sub-standard and are now in very poor condition. The frescoes are in danger of degrading. Our offer of a grant toward the cost of replacement resulted in further funding from elsewhere. Two of our trustees made individual donations to these two projects in Prague
Jan Hus Church, Smíchov, Prague
The church dates from 1935 and is in the pre-WW2 Modern tradition widely adopted in the Czech lands at that time. Although not ‘listed’ it is a fine example of its type with a spectacular worship space with contemporary furniture and stained glass, and stands in a commanding position overlooking the neighbourhood. Sadly, the congregation has declined and the worship space is no longer used. In order to make it sustainable a scheme has been developed to turn a part of the worship space into an exhibition to celebrate the association of the Czechs and Italians who were together caught up in the First World War, an association still very much alive today. We offered a grant towards the conservation of the worship space, which allowed the church community to obtain further funding from other sources. The Friends gave a grant for the work to the organ. This was completed in June 2018 and the first recital took place soon afterwards
The Château of Čečovice
In the latter part of 2014 we received a plea for help from Mrs Miroslava Šusová who has been valiantly trying to save the château for the local community. She writes, "Yes, we do occasionally get help from family and friends but it is I who function as the manager, cleaner, curator and PR expert – all in one person. I try to obtain grants, sweep after the winter snows, knock down the dividing walls put up by the last owner - the local co-operative farm, and with the family cut the grass around the château. Some people think we are mad but when our summer festival opens to the public and the courtyard is all lit up, a joyous atmosphere prevails and the château lives again."
The task that she faces is Herculean. It is our policy to provide grants that enable the recipients to seek funding from other sources. We therefore offered a grant to help secure the future of the château.
We wish the hard-working volunteers a bright future in returning the château back to the community
The Banqueting Hall, Château of Uherčice
After a hiatus, which delayed the project considerably, the funding agreement between The Friends and the NPÚ (the Czech National Heritage Institute) was signed in April 2014. This allowed the NPÚ to take out a bridging loan to cover the emergency works that were required to secure the remainder of the plasterwork of the ceiling. Without this the ceiling might well have collapsed with disastrous consequences for the future of the building.
Work was carried out during the summer months and was completed in the autumn. The programme of further conservation will then continue as and when funds become available. This will include the parquet flooring and the wall decorations.
We are deeply grateful to our sponsors, The Hargreaves and Ball Trust, for their very generous financial support of Grant £30,000 for the project.
Since our grant the Czech National Heritage Insitute successfully applied for major grant funds from the EU which will help to ensure the survival of this 'sleeping beauty'
The ‘Mauricovna’ or Gardener’s Cottage, Château of Červený Dvůr
The work of replacing the roof to the Mauricovna began in late summer 2013. This was completed within budget in October 2013.
Our aim to secure the building from further deterioration has therefore been achieved. This is an important goal both for us and the Červený Dvůr Hospital. In achieving this aim we must again thank the Hargreaves and Ball Trust for their generous financial support and also the continued unstinting support of the hospital’s director, Jiří Dvořáček, and his staff together with Mr. Luhan, the NPÚ’s architect.
We are now working on the next phases of the project, having had work parties in recent years, all of which help progress on the Mauricovna. We have launched a special funding initiative at www.mauricovna.net
Grants to date £15,000
The Obelisk at Uherčice
The Friends continue their association with the Château of Uherčice in Southern Moravia, where work is continuing on the restoration of the surrounding gardens and park. This remarkable building and park languished for the many decades of the Cold War, being used by border guards stationed there to man the Iron Curtain.
We offered a grant towards the restoration of the obelisk, a prominent feature in the park. The obelisk was revealed in July 2017
Image copyright Ian Kennaway
Conservation of the Baroque choir stalls at the Abbey Church of Žďár nad Sázavou, a UNESCO-listed site, completed with the help of The Friends of Czech Heritage
The Friends have supported a number of conservation projects at this important abbey church, which was the work of Jan Blažej Santini Aichel. These have included the confessionals and the altar. The latest project has been the conservation of the Baroque choir stalls, which began in in 2014. The first phase, for which The Friends gave a grant, was completed in the autumn of 2015. The second phase will be complete in the spring of 2016. We received a bequest from the estate of Alastair Gibson, a former member, and we used part of the monies towards the work.
Father Vojtěch Záleský writes from Žďár: "We appreciate the Friends' continuous support and help. It is not unusual to find a helping hand but it is very unusual to find it from such a distance that lies between Žďár and London. It is our common cultural and architectural heritage and our common faith and shared interests that connect us. I would like to thank you personally for your decision to help and for building a friendship across borders. Please extend our thanks and prayers to all the members of The Friends of Czech Heritage."
The Château of Uherčice
The Friends have again given funds for repair of the sunstantial steps in the Rose Garden of the Château of Uherčice, which has suffered as a result of its isolated position in South Moravia, near the border with Austria. The property is run by the NPÚ, the Czech National Heritage Institute. Original parts of this imposing double-winged staircase structure were reused, and preference was given to traditional techniques in the work. This project was formally completed in September 2015 and the garden was replanted for the summer of 2016
Ing. Jan Slezák, Director of the NPÚ's office in Kroměříž, formally thanked The Friends for their contribution, and wrote that the Institute hopes to continue with the restoration of this substantial château complex, including the landscape park and its follies.
The brick steps, which form a link from the main courtyard to the Rose Garden, were in a state of collapse. They now allows public access to the garden
Photos copyright P. Jamieson
Château of Jaroměřice - Conservation of the Chinese Cabinet
The 18th century Chinese Cabinet at Jaroměřice nad Rokytnou is a fine example of chinoiserie. But the paper decorations had become detached and conservation was urgently required.
The Baroque château is one of the largest structures dating from the first half of the 18th century in Europe. This originally medieval fortress standing on a cliff was protected from the south by the swamps of the River Rokytná. The château received its Renaissance appearance at the end of the 15th century, which is also when the foundations were laid for the gardens. Jan Adam, the last of the House of Questenberk, gave the château its current Baroque appearance. He was devoted to music: the first Czech opera 'How the City of Jaroměřice was Founded' by Antonín Míča was first performed here in 1730.
Photo courtesy of the NPÚ (the Czech National Heritage Institute) copyright sprOBJ
The Castle of Karlštejn
The Friends discussed with Petr Pavelec and Kateřina Cichrová of the NPÚ (Czech National Heritage Institute) South Bohemia office the conservation of the 14th-century gate at the castle. The castle, see photo, right, is a very significant emblem of Czech history being built by Charles IV, Czech King and Holy Roman Emperor, who would have passed through it on numerous occasions.
The gate was conserved and formed a prominent part of the popular exhibition 'Castles and Châteaux Rediscovered and Celebrated' at Prague Castle from December 2014 to 15th March 2015.
The gate measures 3.8 x 2.7 metres. The inset door is 1.55 metres tall.The NPÚ asked us to help finance the project and we agreed to provide a grant for the conservation work. The project was generously supported by our sponsor, The Hargreaves and Ball Trust.
Grant £2000
Photo top right copyright Lukáš Kalista; lower left courtesy of Karlštejn Castle
Church of the Assumption, Monastery of Kladruby
We have supported the completion of the restoration of the high altar by the renowned 18th century architect Santini-Aichel. Extensive work was carried out in the 1970s but the crown was not replaced for ideological reasons.
The NPÚ are the custodians of the monastery and were responsible for the conservation work. They obtained a grant for part of the work from the Czech Ministry of Culture and The Friends agreed to pay the balance with the help of London-based Velehrad. The conservation work has been completed and the crown restored to its original position in time for the monastery to celebrate this, its 900th anniversary year.
Grant £1500
St. Nicholas's Church, Petrovice, North-West Bohemia
The conservation work to the three memorial stained-glass windows completed with a grant from Th Friends. Installed in 1908, the windows commemorate the 60th anniversary of the accession of the Emperor Franz Joseph. After World War II the church was abandoned and became a ruin but the windows survived. The local community has taken on the task of re-establishing the church and we are very glad to have been able to make a small contribution towards this.
In the spring of 2015, following the grant from The Friends, the church was the recipient of major funding that made possible the reconstruction of the entire roof. This is a huge step that has brought the church back to fulfilling its original significance and role in the local community.
The Czech National Trust
With the help of The Friends the Czech National Trust (CNT) was established and legally registered in the Czech Republic as a charitable organisation.
The Czech National Trust was officially inaugurated in the UK in June 2014 at a formal dinner in the Reform Club in London, attended by HE The Czech Ambassador Mr Michael Zantovský, representatives of Parliament and the Czech Government, and many distinguished members of the international heritage community, including Sir Simon Jenkins, CEO of the National Trust.
The Czech National Trust is modelled on the principles established by the National Trust here in the United Kingdom and its aim is to preserve and restore buildings, gardens and landscapes of historical importance in the Czech Republic through sponsorship and volunteer work, creating sustainable sources of income from their use and encouraging community involvement.
Baroque Statue of Apollo, Château of Valtice
The work of conserving the statue has been completed and Apollo, who is part of a group, now joins his compatriots in a fit state to compete with them in that other world that they inhabit. This has been an important project for The Friends, firstly because Apollo is within the UNESCO World Heritage site, and also because it has involved techniques that have attempted to overcome some of the unfortunate results of the very insensitive restoration carried out in communist times.
Grant £2,000
Château of Mnichovo Hradistě
A new permanent exhibition, The Meeting of the Monarchs of the Holy Alliance, at the Château of Mnichovo Hradistě, was opened on 30th April 2013.The Friends contributed £3,000 towards the restoration of a Baroque tiled stove, which was made in Southern Bohemia.
Nové Město nad Metují in Moravia: Restoration of the Château Gardens
We gave a small grant to help with the extensive works being carried out on these gardens, originally designed by Dušan Jurkovic between the years 1911 and 1912 for the owner Josef Barton-Dobenin. The garden area is formally dividend into two areas. The upper area, which is closest to the castle building, is separated into the terraces with rose flower beds and white wooden fences. The middle part of the formal garden is edged with box on the outside of the grassy area, and in the middle with hornbean hedges and pathways. A Baroque-style fountain fulfills the decorative function together with a parade of stone sculptures called 'The Dwarf Cabinet'. When the castle and gardens were returned to the previous owner's grandson, Josef Barton-Dobenin, they were in an extremely neglected condition but a programme of restoration is well underway.
The Château of Děčín, North Bohemia
Grant towards the restoration of a portrait of Princess Royal, Maria of Habsburg, future consort of Ferdinand III, thought to be by a follower of Velasquez. The Friends gave £1500 toward a total of cost around £4000. The château of Děčín stands high on a rock above the river Labe. In the 17th century the château came into the possession of the Thun-Hohenstein family. In 1932 Count Thun was compelled to sell the château for financial reasons to the Czechoslovak state, which converted it into barracks. After the departure of the Russian army in the early 1990s, the town of Děčín acquired the building. Many rooms are now open to the public but they lack most of the original contents. The family owned an important collection of paintings that remains largely in store.The aim is to see them hang once again on the château walls where they belong. The curators chose the portrait of the Princess Royal, Maria of Habsburg, future wife of Emperor Ferdinand III, for restoration. The first member of the Thun-Hohenstein family who settled at Děčín, Christoph Simon, (died in 1635), was a courtier to Prince, later Emperor Ferdinand III.
Château of Lysice, South Moravia - Restoration of the 18th century statue of Apollo
The Apollo is one of four 18th century statues that grace the entrance to the Baroque castle, all in need of conservation. The Friends gave £2000 and restoration has been successfully completed.
High Altar painting and associated statuary in the Abbey Church of Žd’ár nad Sázavou, Moravia
In November 2008 we appealed to the Headley Trust for funds to support the restoration of the magnificent High Altar painting of the Assumption of the Virgin and the smaller painting above of the Trinity, both by the important Baroque artist, Michael Leopold Willman (1630-1706), together with the splendid associated statuary by Řehoř Theny (1695-1759). In March 2009 we learnt that our appeal was successful and the Headley Trust generously donated £20,000 towards the restoration. The Altar painting and associated sculptures were subjected to extensive scientific analysis by the conservator prior to restoration.
Portrait, thought to be of Thomas Vinciguerra Collalto et San Salvatore (1710-69)
The Friends gave £2000 towards the cost of restoration. Work completed in early 2011. The Collaltos were one of the oldest aristocratic families of Northern Italy, who had come over to the Czech lands as mercenaries in the Thirty Years War. They came to own large estates in Moravia, with their main Moravian seat at Brtnice (currently in decay). Uherčice was their country seat. Thomas Vinciguerra Collalto was a lover of art and music and in October 1762 hosted in his palace in Vienna the six-year-old Mozart’s first public performance. For years the collection of family portraits from Uherčice has been in store and their gradual restoration and return to the house is important in reuniting both house and the family who owned it until confiscation in 1945
The Pheasantry at Červený Dvůr
In 2009 The Friends gave help by obtaining a grant from the Headley Trust towards the restoration of the murals in the Breakfast Room of this historic house and towards the restoration of most of the Pheasantry, which lies in the magnificent park. Dr Jiří Dvořáček, the director of Červený Dvůr, the Czech National Heritage Institute and the Friends' Committee are extremely grateful to the Headley Trust for their generosity in supporting these two projects. We have continued the connection with Červený Dvůr with our first working holiday there in 2011, and two working holidays in 2012, see Fundraising Events
Restoration of the eighteenth-century Rococo Garden Arbour from the gardens of Český Krumlov
Completed Spring 2010. The Friends’ offer of a grant of £1000/ €1100 towards the restoration of the Rococo garden arbour at Český Krumlov acted as a catalyst which enabled the South Bohemian Institute of Historic Monuments to obtain funding of the further £3000/ €3300 needed to complete the restoration. The great castle of Český Krumlov was once part of the huge Schwarzenberg estates in South Bohemia. The château gardens were originally laid out in the late seventeenth century as a series of Baroque terraces, which were modified in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Many eighteenth-century features survive, such as the charming Garden Arbour, which once stood in the centre of a maze, and is thought to have been a Music Pavilion. It was painted in 1752 with allegories of the Four Seasons by the local court artist, Jakub František Prokyš (1713-91)
Uherčice: Restoration of the allegorical 18th-century sculpture of Winter - £2000
Uherčice is a great gabled Renaissance château situated in the countryside of South Moravia, close to the Austrian border. In the Baroque period many rooms were enriched with splendid plasterwork, attributed to the important Italian stuccoist, Baldassare Fontana. A richly decorated Baroque chamber theatre is an outstanding feature of this period. Work on the statue was carried out in 2008
Žd’ár nad Sázavou, Moravia
The conservation of a Baroque confessional from the great monastery church, completed by April 2009.