Gift Aid
We are a charity. Gift Aid is a government scheme where charities can reclaim money on your contribution from the HM Revenue & Customs. If you are a UK taxpayer we can reclaim 25p for every £1 you give us.
If all of our members signed up to Gift Aid, we'd have more to spend conserving heritage buildings, gardens and parks in the Czech Republic. On average membership, you could be giving The Friends several pounds extra a year, without spending a single penny
Making a gift aid declaration
If you are a UK taxpayer, have a membership subscription, or have made donations to the Friends, you could increase the value of every £1 you give to £1.25, by joining the Gift Aid scheme. And it's at no cost to you.
Gift Aid allows us to reclaim from the Government the tax that you have already paid on your membership subscriptions and donations. If all our members agreed to Gift Aid we could claim from the HRMC vital extra funds that would help us in our important work.
To make your subscription worth even more to us, all you need to do is download the Gift Aid Declaration Form below and return it to:
Milena Currall, Membership Secretary, The Friends of Czech Heritage, Flat 15, Twynholm Mansions, Lillie Road, London SW6 7NX.

More about the scheme
Making a Gift Aid declaration is an easy way of allowing The Friends to reclaim the tax you have already paid
We can reclaim almost a quarter of your membership subscriptions and/or donations.
Anyone aged 18 or over who is a UK income or capital gains taxpayer can make a Gift Aid declaration
One Gift Aid declaration covers your future donations and membership subscriptions, and can be back dated to 6 April 2000 when the Gift Aid scheme was introduced.
Gift Aid is not a method of payment so you still pay your subscription in the usual way.
You can cancel your Gift Aid declaration at any time simply by contacting our membership secretary Milena Currall on 0207 3815181 or email: