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Visit to Tilbury and Bata Heritage, 22/06/22

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The Friends' tour to the Bata Museum and former company town at East Tilbury was a great success despite transport problems due to the current strike.

In gloriously sunny weather we were guided around the town by the enthusiastic volunteers from the museum. There was time for lunch and a visit to Coalhouse Fort overlooking the Thames before our return to the transport melee.

The Bata Shoe company, one of Czechoslovakia’s most successful companies, founded a satellite factory and a garden city at East Tilbury beside the Thames, modelled on the Modernist parent-city of Zlín and designed by Czech architects František Lydie Gahura and Vladimír Karfík.


Meet at around 08:45am at Fenchurch Street train station. Catch (at own expense) the 09:08 train to East Tilbury, arrival 09:56. Walk to East Tilbury Library, around 10 mins.
- Meeting with Mike Tarbard and the BATA Heritage Team.
- Tea/coffee in the Library.
- Short film on East Tilbury followed by a talk about East Tilbury and Zlin.
- Opportunity to view artefacts on display.
- Guided tour of the site.
- Lunch (at own expense) either in George's Fish Bar on site or The Ship pub (please indicate preference).
- Visit to the Coal House Fort.
- Trip ends at around 4:30pm.

Our thanks to the Bata Heritage Centre, which highlights the industrial and archi-tectural heritage of the site, and the social history of those who lived and worked there.

Image © FoCH

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