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The Friends of Czech Heritage: keeping you informed about our activities

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Working Holiday at Krásný Dvůr 2017

KD Group2017 cMSvobodaThe Friends of Czech Heritage again led volunteering to restore the park at the Château of Krásný Dvůr in North Bohemia. This is the second year the Friends have organised a week-long working party in this historic park, finishing on Friday 15th September.

This year the group worked on uncovering the water supply to the Chinese pavilion, one of the buildings in the extensive garden.

Peter Jamieson, the Chairman of The Friends, would like to see more Czech volunteers joining his team in restoring the beautiful gardens. He firmly believes that the British tradition of volunteering will set an example.

The property manager of Krásný Dvůr would like to offer more services to visitors and to the local community and can offer support to volunteers if they can be found. Other historic sites would also welcome volunteers. The management of châteaux in Valec, closeby, Stekník and Veltrusy would like to see people willing to help out in their extensive gardens. The estates can offer free accommodation and social interaction after work.

Image: the group in the park of Krásný Dvůr. © Milan Svoboda

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