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The Friends of Czech Heritage: keeping you informed about our activities

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Presentation of an Award

EventMay2017 cJR

1st June 2017 - committee members of The Friends of Czech Heritage were welcomed to the Probošt House in Vyšehrad, Prague. Barbara Peacock, a founder of The Friends, received her 'Point of Light' award from the UK Ambassador H.E. Ms Jan Thompson. Image right: the Ambassador, left, with Barbara Peacock. Photo copyright James Robertson. The Friends o...

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  2018 Hits

An Award for One of Our Founders

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January 2017 UK Prime Minister Theresa May recognised the conservation work of a dedicated British citizen volunteering in the Czech Republic and has named her a 'Point of Light'. The citation reads: 'Barbara Peacock is an architectural historian and a founder of The Friends of Czech Heritage. Inspired by the beauty of the Czech Republic’s many sta...

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  2368 Hits

An award for one of our founders

CT EventExcel041115

November 2015 - An award for one of our founders On 4th November 2015 Barbara Peacock received a presentation from Katarína Hobbs, the Director of Czech Tourism U.K. and Ireland. This took place during the World Travel Market in Excel London. The life achievement award is given to a person who has dedicated much of his/her time and energy to the Cz...

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  2264 Hits

The Friends were nominated for a ‘Ceny Ď’ prize in the Czech Republic

cena Logo

June 2015 - The Friends were nominated for a ‘Ceny Ď’ prize in the Czech Republic. This is for our work on Uherčice Château in South Moravia. The château found itself in a restricted area near the Iron Curtain border with Austria for 41 years, and was used by border guards for some time. Since 1989 the Czech Heritage Institute has been conserving a...

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  2020 Hits

Exhibition: HERITAGE – 25 Years of Cooperation between the British and South Bohemian Heritage Workers


May 2014 - Exhibition: HERITAGE – 25 Years of Cooperation between the British and South Bohemian Heritage Workers, at the NPÚ Gallery, České Budějovice, Czech Republic  The National Heritage Institute (NPÚ) České Budějovice opened an exhibition featuring the last 25 years of work influenced by the exchange of ideas and expertise between the lo...

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  1664 Hits

The Friends have accepted an award from The Enhancement of Znojmo Association


July 2013 - The Friends have accepted an award from The Enhancement of Znojmo Association. The association award ceremony this year was held in the vestibule of the House of the Arts in Lower (Masaryk) Square in Znojmo. The award was presented by Jiří Ludvík, a member of the association and director of Znojmo Music Festival, in appreciati...

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  2044 Hits